Wednesday 8 May 2013

Media Evaluation analysis

I think I have done well on my media evaluation as I have gone into a lot of detail. This detail will hopefully get me in the A grade boundary and hopefully improve my year by getting a good grade in media studies.

Finished Media Evaluation!

Media evaluation Finished

I have finally finished my media evaluation after all the stress of trying to make a video and failing and having to change to a powerpoint presentation BUT... It is done I can now relax

Until I present it and the stress will flood back

Saturday 4 May 2013

Evaluation - Change in plan

I needed to change my plan for my evaluation because adobe premier was so annoying! I have just decided that a PowerPoint presentation is so much better because I don't have the time to spend on recording and editing a video when I have so much revision to do for my upcoming exams. I need that time and I just can't spend that much time on a video when there are easier options available

Friday 3 May 2013

Evaluation stress!

This evaluation is giving me more stress than when i finishing the final cut! So much to do in such a small time, need to get going

Friday 26 April 2013

Rough Cut ----> Final Cut

This is my transformations from rough cut to final cut. As you can see my final cut looks a lot more professional and follows the codes and conventions a lot more to my style model.

Final Cut

These are the final cut designs for my magazine as I think its looks a lot more professional compared to my rough cut. Just shows you what you can do when you get your head down and just do it.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Blogger down!

I tried to upload some things yesterday that i plan on doing during the week but my blogger wasn't working at all wherever I went so I couldn't but they should be up today no problem... hopefully!

Monday 22 April 2013

Work Timetable

This is my work timetable and this is what I want to get done before my deadline on Wednesday at 4:30.