Thursday 21 February 2013

Double Page Spread Analysis (1)

This double page spread from Mixmag is a bit unconventional because it doesn't include a photo that overlaps onto the next page and unlike many double page spreads, it contains a lot of photos but normal double page spreads contain one or two. This is unconventional again because it has the subtitles but within the writing, it has nothing that splits the text up as it looks like a essay and this may turn people away from reading it because they don't want to read so much writing without breaks. They have broken it up a bit with the subtitles but I will use more things like quotes because I would turn my nose up at this essay because I think it has too much writing on.

I don't think i will use many conventions that is included in this double page spread because it is quite unconventional and doesn't really catch my eye. I will probably only use a couple of photos and break up the writing a lot more.

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